When Bananas Were Sacred
(TW: Eating disorder) I remember the odd way that I used to eat bananas. Every time I ate a banana, I would pull the peel down about halfway, then, beginning at the exposed end, I’d break off small chunks and eat each one, one at a time. As I pulled apart the banana, I enjoyed seeing its hidden structure. I had never heard anyone mention the banana ’s three distinct sections, so after my discovery, every deconstruction of a banana filled me with excitement as if I was viewing a secret marvel. Additionally, I felt that my process made bananas taste even more delicious, because it allowed me to truly experience and savor each bite. I can’t minimize the significance of that belief. During that time, I was trying to savor every bit of food I put in my mouth. The reason was simple: I didn’t allow myself to eat much, so I wanted, no needed, to truly experience everything I did feed myself. Essentially, I was always trying to extend the eating process. This intention coupled with my ne...