
Showing posts from July, 2017

When Bananas Were Sacred

(TW: Eating disorder) I remember the odd way that I used to eat bananas. Every time I ate a banana, I would pull the peel down about halfway, then, beginning at the exposed end, I’d break off small chunks and eat each one, one at a time. As I pulled apart the banana, I enjoyed seeing its hidden structure. I had never heard anyone mention the banana ’s three distinct sections, so after my discovery, every deconstruction of a banana filled me with excitement as if I was viewing a secret marvel. Additionally, I felt that my process made bananas taste even more delicious, because it allowed me to truly experience and savor each bite. I can’t minimize the significance of that belief. During that time, I was trying to savor every bit of food I put in my mouth. The reason was simple: I didn’t allow myself to eat much, so I wanted, no needed, to truly experience everything I did feed myself. Essentially, I was always trying to extend the eating process. This intention coupled with my ne...

Author Bio

Shira grew up in Davis, CA, but over the past seven years she has lived in a number of cities across the country, including Northfield, MN; Evanston, IL; and San Luis Obispo, CA. She is very grateful for all of these moves, because they have given her the opportunity to get to know many amazing people with challenging yet inspiration stories. She now enjoys residing in Santa Barbara while she attends Antioch University. She is passionate about her area of concentration, psychology, and plans to eventually work as a Marriage and Family Therapist. Additionally, Shira loves writing, doing arts and crafts, and spending time with her dog and cat.