Author Bio

Shira grew up in Davis, CA, but over the past seven years she has lived in a number of cities across the country, including Northfield, MN; Evanston, IL; and San Luis Obispo, CA. She is very grateful for all of these moves, because they have given her the opportunity to get to know many amazing people with challenging yet inspiration stories. She now enjoys residing in Santa Barbara while she attends Antioch University. She is passionate about her area of concentration, psychology, and plans to eventually work as a Marriage and Family Therapist. Additionally, Shira loves writing, doing arts and crafts, and spending time with her dog and cat. 


  1. I have moved twice in my life (the second time back to my hometown). I have realized moving not only lets you start fresh, it helps you meet new people, find out who your true friends are, and learn more about yourself.

    I also love cuddling with my dog and cat, though they are somewhat dispassionate about each other.

  2. You're originally from the midwest?! I grew up in Wisconsin and transplanted myself to California in 2001. The culture is so different, but it feels much more like home here to me. Glad you are on a path that lines up with your passion.


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