Jimmy Kimmel's Emotional Monologue

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmWWoMcGmo0

On May 1st, Jimmy Kimmel gave this monologue about his newborn son, Billy, and Billy's life-threatening heart condition. I really like this monologue, because it is so raw and emotional. Jimmy Kimmel is literally holding back tears while he shares details of his  experiences-both external and internal-throughout the ordeal. There's something so humanizing about seeing this typically-jovial man be (relatively) vulnerable. I also appreciate that he intersperses some humor into the monologue. Those moments provide needed breaks in such an intense story. At the end of the monologue, Jimmy Kimmel ties his experience to the current healthcare situation in the United States. I like that he chose to do that. I think it's important that the potential consequences of the repeal of The Affordable Care Act are personalized as much as possible. Hopefully, these stories will make it clear that the (many) adults and children who would be impacted if ACA was repealed are real people who deserve life just as much as everyone else. So, I would like to say to Jimmy Kimmel: "Thank you for sharing!"


  1. I also really liked this monologue! I really appreciated that he shared his experience. I think it was an important thing to share since healthcare is such a big issue today and people should be able to be treated regardless of money!

  2. We watched this in Kathleen's class last quarter and it actually made me cry, despite my best efforts. It was shocking to see a man, who is normally so humorous and light hearted, break down out of sadness, love, and fear. I love that he thanks each individual staff member, showing how great of an impact they have had on his family's life. I am sad that he and his family has to go through this, but I am grateful someone who is dealing with the healthcare issue first hand has a voice that can be heard easily.

  3. Thank you for sharing this and bringing it our attention to it. I had seen a very shorted version of it. I had no idea that there was a longer version of it and that it was so in depth. I think it's really important that people in the limelight help bring our attention to issues that truly matter to us all.


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